Clean Start™️ mission:
"We believe everyone should have access to a warm shower
and clean clothes to cultivate a clean start in life."
Our 2025 Clean Start™️ goal is to provide 1200 showers/laundry and distribute 1200 hygiene relief bags! In one year, that is 1200 lives impacted by a warm shower and clean clothes cultivating a clean start. We see the need every week and it continues to grow. Can you imagine? Loving on 1200 people! What an amazing goal!
You can help us achieve this goal by donating to our mission. We worked with a data analyst to provide our cost for giving one shower, one load of laundry, and one hygiene relief bag. The actual cost is $21.18 per person. We rounded down to make it simple - $20 to offer this vital service to our neighbors on the street.
Please consider using the giving chart below to help discern how you would like to support our goal of 1200 showers this year. You may choose to give on a monthly basis or donate a one-time gift. Any amount helps us keep our unit in our communities every week.
You will be hearing from our partners and volunteers, in the coming months, sharing with you the impact our mission is having in Jacksonville and our surrounding counties.
Thank you for your love and support as we make this the year we reach 1200 people!